notes to the consolidated financial statements 60 61 as at 31 december 2016, business relations with related parties gave rise to liabilities totalling keur 105. on 22 december 2015, mr dirk ahlers, ms friederike ahlers and mr felix ahlers notiied frosta ag of their share in the voting capital. (55) remuneration pursuant to section 314 (1) no. 6 hgb total remuneration of the executive board (in eur) 2014 2015 2016 target at 100 % goal achievement goal achievement in % (performance) efective remuneration +/- previous year fixed remuneration fixed compensation 1,062,156 1,066,956 other non-cash beneits 136,555 140,737 fixed remuneration, total 1,198,711 1,207,693 variable remuneration 882,450 –17.3 % 117,372 –16.6 % 999,822 –17.2 % short-term bonus 2,043,972 1,702,799 1,468,779 long-term bonus 577,355 445,355 325,000 remuneration to purchase shares 973,949 860,772 656,863 123 % 172 % 122 % 1,800,956 5.8 % 558,948 25.5 % 801,307 –6.9 % variable remuneration, total 3,595,276 3,008,926 2,450,642 129 % 3,161,211 5.1 % total expenses 4,793,987 4,216,619 4,161,033 –1.3 % the total remuneration of the executive board for the inancial year 2016 amounted to keur 4,161 (2015: keur 4,217). of this, the ixed remuneration came to keur 1,000 (2015: keur 1,208) and variable remuner- ation to keur 3,161 (2015: eur 3,009). the total remuneration of former members of the executive board was keur 54 in the 2016 inancial year (2015: keur 52). pension provisions for former executive board members amounted to keur 466 on the balance sheet date (2015: keur 477). the remuneration of the supervisory board totalled keur 125, of which keur 111 was variable and keur 14 was ixed remuneration. the remuneration of the pre- vious year at keur 107 comprised variable remuner- ation of keur 93 and ixed remuneration of keur 14. remuneration for the purpose of buying shares is subject to a lock-up period of ive years. the long- term bonus components are based on average per- formance over three years and are payable at the end of the three-year period. appropriation of profits (56) based on 6,812,598 no-par value bearer shares, less 10,468 no-par value bearer treasury shares not en- titled to a dividend in accordance with section 71b of the german stock corporation act (aktg), this results in 6,802,130 no-par value bearer shares entitled to a dividend. at the annual general meeting, we will be pro- posing a gross dividend payment of eur 1.50 per share corresponding to a total dividend payment of eur 10,203,195.00. this payment will be taken from the net income for the year reported by frosta ag as at 31 december 2016 of eur 15,450,769.89. the remaining eur 5,247,574.89 will be allocated to other retained earnings. the gross dividend is subject to capital gains tax (25 %) amounting to eur 2,550,798.75 as well as a 5.5 % solidarity surcharge of eur 140,293.93. this results in a net dividend payment of eur 7,512,102.32. the shareholders of the parent company are fully entitled to the proits. no non-controlling interests are held in the frosta ag group.